Friday, 25 February 2011

Updates for the sake of it...

So the present went down a treat! It was the only present to be passed around the room and it really did look impressive once I stopped weaving in the loose ends and fretting about how to wash it etcetera....

Ive since had the mummy let me know she really loves it, and the grandma request one made for the dad (not a chance, but a funny idea!). Im not sure how soon Ill be starting another cardigan, as that one took me long enough! All in all, Im very glad I did it though. Kerstey definitely deserved a thoughtful present, she's such a lovely person!

I really have the knitting bug today and want to finish off my pillow cover, and the mittens I'm still in the middle of, and perhaps a few more wash cloths, but I really really SHOULD be packing! I move in 2 days!   Off I go... Ta ra....

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Gifty Gifty...Don't show Kerstey!

This is the completed baby present! She wont be getting it until Sunday but I cannot resist....Im quite pleased with how it turned out and as I was making it I kept thinking "I can't believe I've made this..." but this has inspired me to perhaps try making an adult sized sweater too (no, not for you Sam, for me!).... Im trying to choose what yarn and what pattern to use! I have some patterns I got for Christmas so I will have to wait until I move and unpack to choose one of those to use!!! Cannot wait! :)

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Sheep Dreams....

I am knitting a pillow cover. I am not not done my friend's present BUT I started this first and I do love me some stranded colourwork. This one Im doing in a 50% wool, 50% acrylic so its nice and soft but lighter, and of course cheaper, than 100% wool. And since its going on my couch using 100% would be a bit of a waste really!

I saw this design on Ravelry and there was no way to get a hold of the pattern so I (and I am serious here) sat and copied the pattern from the person's picture onto my own graph paper. Really. It took me about 90 minutes or maybe more, but atleast an hour and a half. Then a few days later someone sent me a link to the actual pattern! How frustrating, but by then I had already begun! If anyone is interested I can send them the link I was sent, but I dont want to publish it incase its against some sort of copyright.