Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Hello April!

I haven't posted in a while. I have been busy. 

Mostly just with internal stress. Apparently not working does not suit me. 

My past dreams of becoming a happy housewife in a home without children has thus been crushed. To be fair, I never really thought I'd find a guy rich enough to support me, my love of travel, food and yarn with a predilection for real estate hunting. So I guess it's better to also know that I genuinely enjoy working over sitting home all day long. 

I left my Amanda Cardigan at my friends one night, thinking I would get it back a few days later. And that turned into over a week. So in al the time since my last post I haven't really accomplished much knitterly things. While I have many other projects on the go, that one was my favourite and now that I have it back it's been a bit slow getting back into it. 

I have though, found a job! A full time, permanent, exciting to me, job. It's with a bank but not in the actual banking division but with "other stuff banks do" so I expect it will be right up my alley. And it's an awesome company so I am super excited. Life will hopefully start piecing together in my little Toronto city once again! 

If you are looking to learn to knit in Toronto, or join a knit group with other awesome peoples just let me know! Me and a few girls already meet on Tuesday evenings for a drink along Bloor and do some knitting in the pub! 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Little York - new pattern

Today I published a new pattern today on Ravelry. I thought it would be good to foray outside of the sweater craze and work on some designs. Also, to give me something to do while the “job application slump” has hit. I feel like I’ve already seen and applied to all the relevant jobs…. But with the pattern so far the reception seems to be pretty good!

I called it Little York and it is a hat I designed while living in England on York Road in my little basement flat. I loved that flat, and this hat was a nice little project one night when I was home alone and obsessing with all things knitting. 

So presenting my new pattern Little York!

(The cowl in the background is the Stockholm Cowl by knittedbliss) 

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Sweater Hound

So I have realised my blog has become one big hommage to knitted sweaters.

Aidez, Maxfield, Silver Jacket, the sock monkey one I plan to invent one day and yes, I have started yet another sweater. But first...

Here is my finished Maxfield. As it's been weeks and Ive been wearing it and have not posted anything! I guess because when I post on Instagram I get instant likes and feel like I've shared and then the blog has fallen by the wayside. (Me on Instagram = sfknits)

And the new one? The Blueberry yarn arrived and after paying an arm and a leg in customs (about $30) I finally got my hands on my alpaca amazingness. I can happily say Berroco Ultra Alpaca is super super super Ultra. The name doesn't lie, the price is amazing; I think I'm in love. Cables are super quick to knit, and I kinda love this pattern (Amanda Cardigan; Lene Holme Samsoe).  I really hope it becomes the most amazing sweater in the world! 

I really think I need to pull my real camera out and actually photograph this stuff....

Friday, 1 March 2013

Inspiration - Sock Monkey Sweater

Ah weekend getaways. 

Long chats with great people, overdue catch ups with best friends, tea, sandwiches and coffee.... I loved last weekend. 

My best friend lives in Belleville so we went up for the weekend and took an afternoon trip out to Picton. I totally stole this picture from one of my friends to summarise our time... (I'm wearing my stockholm and my aidez cardigan!)

In the Bean Counter, a new coffee shop in Picton, I saw a girl wearing a sock monkey sweater!! I realised my goal in life is to own one of these! 

After some googling I have discovered that this was orginally sold by Roots (mmm, sigh) but they dont seem to have it anymore. If I can't find it in an outlet store sometime soon I may need to knit my own. Maybe in chunky wool so I can wear it really really soon. I started searching for suitable patterns but haven't found one so I may need to design it, or alter someone else's design to get this made. 

But given that I have yarn for three other sweaters already this one probably won't see the light of day for quite a while!

(I am still on the hunt for a good job, so definately won't be buying any more yarn anytime soon!)

Monday, 11 February 2013

The light at the end of the tunnel...

My Maxfield has come a long way from conception. Yesterday I tied in the ends in the sleeves and the body. I also wet blocked it.

(See my toes? On the tip of the left one you can see remnants of my polish from my Morocco trip, I can't bear removing it. Such a wonderful holiday with my best English pal Lizzie.)

I just have to finish the fronts, do that front trim and it'll be done!

I also have been working on my Stockholm Cowl, as the Berroco Vintage DK is suitable for BedKnitting. Not many wool-yarns are suitable for BedKnitting, in my opinion, but the Vintage doesn't shed at all! I rolled all the skeins into balls.

Also while in bed.  See my bedding?

Then I got thinking: "If I keep knitting this, what will I take for Knit Group on Tuesday?"

And I have 5 skeins of black Vintage DK I have to use up. So, this means casting on for another project, obviously. Or at least doing a swatch. Problem was the swatch matched the first time, so I cast on.

This is the Silver Jacket from Sian Brown from Knitting Magazine. No one on Rav has completed it so I'm kinda going in blindly. The only other person with a project listed has messaged me and is further than I am, so hopefully she'll flag the hard bits for me. 

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Learning to Knit

So when I was learning to knit I had a lovely boyfriend who knew the basic knit stitch - roughly. He had been taught it when he was younger and we both wanted to learn.

So we looked somethings up on YouTube and I borrowed a book from a friend and off we went. I wanted to learn so much more, while he was perfectly happy with the knit stitch and Dr. Who inspired wools (think garter stitch scarves galore).

Garter Stitch Fabric 

For me, the best part of knitting is creating a soft even fabric. The Garter Stitch just doesn't do it for me. What I love are the tiny little Vs of the stockinette stitch. This type of stitch does curl back around itself where the garter stitch lies flat, so it's not really nice if you're trying to knit a flat piece like a scarf out of just stockinette. 

Stockinette Stitch Fabric

I even prefer the back of the stockinette. Though it looks like Garter it's not springy and it is a nice even stitch. My one concern for using it in large pieces is that I would always catch stuff on the loops and end up pulling at the fabric. 
Reverse of the Stockinette (ignore my roughly tied in ends there)

Once you get used to the knits and purls you kinda wonder either into what I see as three fields. Cabling, Colourwork or Lace. I personally started with colourwork. I was obsessed with making designs.      Now that I am teaching knitting I like to let the person find a pattern that they really want to own the finished item - no matter how difficult it looks. I usually guide them to Ravelry, explain the basics and ask them to find a free pattern that is something they really want to own. Then we will make it happen. 

My current student and long time friend Veneise has chosen a cabled kindle cover, once we had mastered the knits and purls. Her sample when we first started was a wonderful wedge shape, adding on average of two stitches per row somehow.... 

We went to Romni downtown Toronto and chose a gorgeous Purple for her to use and she started practicing her cabling with some spare yarn. She's a natural!  So last night at knit group we had her start her actual project, learn to knit in the round, learn how to make a ball out of a skein of yarn, start her cables, read a pattern.... it was amazing! It's only been two weeks since we were teaching her to purl! 

I also lent Veneise the book I used when I was learning. If you are learning or want to up your game I highly recommend this book. It goes through Intarsia, lace, colourwork, cables, basic stitches, increases and decreases, tension, gauge, yarn types, notions and hints, and more!.... and Lesley Stanfield and Melody Griffiths put terms and the "how to" into language that really makes sense! I bought this book back in 2010, and now there are so many more used copies for cheaper than I paid for it! (Wow, I've been knitting for three years now! :) )

Yarn Fates

So, I was undecided. I didn't know what colour I wanted.

 Berry Pie Mix. Or Blueberry Mix.

Both pinky purple and blue but with one or the other dominating. I went with Berry Pie in my order.

Then I got a fateful email from WEBS. Berry Pie is out of stock. Up to 3 weeks for it to come back in then since I'm international they won't send anything until it is all in stock!

Errr.... So I just emailed them to change it to the Blueberry.     Oh yes!

And in non-knitterly news I have had a job offer. So, I can buy more yarn, yes? haha

Sunday, 3 February 2013

The Midnight Yarn Fairy

A little while ago, online, I had bought some Berroco Vintage DK and thought a colour called Cast Iron was going to be dark grey. Why did I think this? Really, I have no clue.

So I strolled around downtown Toronto with my knitting bestie Caitlin. We went into two yarn stores and a plethora of home decor places.  (I can't wait to have my own living room, kitchen, everything really! ) So I was in the search of the perfect grey to make this. And over all the yarns I looked at, the Vintage DK in the grey was actually a perfect fit. Silly me. Had I ordered the right yarn from the start I wouldn't be in this mess (see exhibit A below)...

So of course, by not buying it in the shop I bought it online at 5am this morning, as you do... By doing this I also ended up buying...well... everything else saved in my online "dreaming" basket. Whoops?

The Ultra Alpaca in Berry Pie is backordered so it could be ages before I see it. The Cascade was all on sale (five bucks for 100g.... who can say no to a great deal in all it's glory like that?) A whole sweater for like $25? Awesome! 

I almost bought the grey in alpaca as well, but that would have cost a lot more, and well, I'm still unemployed so really I should not be buying ANY yarn....

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

The Verdict is in

It's true. I know now. I am in love with the new stripes on my Maxfield! I even managed to get a picture that shows the actual colours, without the gold looking like it's a shocking yellow.

But enough about me! What do you think? 

What are you knitting at the moment? :) 

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

The Maxfield Saga Continues

So, my Maxfield has taken me ages, and if you have been reading my blog you've seen pictures of it.

I do love this sweater. I think Amy Christoffers is amazing and her brand Savory Knitting has so many patterns I want to make. This sweater hasn't taken me ages as it's difficult or because there is just a lot of knitting. It's more because I cannot decide how I want it to look.

I was stash busting and ended up buying as much yarn as I'm using up, so that wasn't as successful as I had hoped. So this was my first colour play, trying to decide how to work this sweater without the variegated yarn. Navy, Yellow, Gold and Blue.

I found that the yellow and the gold was a bit much. 

So I decided on this stripe, dropping the yellow out entirely and then began the body to reflect that. 

Once the body was done I thought this front panel was too busy and wasn't entirely happy with this. It sat for a few days as I reflected on what to do. The body I liked, but the fronts needed some changing. 

So I swatched again last night. 

Which do you think I chose? 


So this is the one I chose! I love that it reflects the stripes without being busy or as chunky as the body stripes. Now just wish me luck in not changing my mind AGAIN! 

Lifely update.

Today I am going to share some knitterly things, and some life things. My life, not life in general. Sorry, I'm not in a philosophical mood. 

I am working on many projects at the moment. My Maxfield Cardigan I'm sure you're getting sick of hearing about. 

Here are two of the that you haven't seen before: 

This is my sample Headband. I plan on writing up a pattern for it. It is made on Aran wool, so if you have some of that lying around and are eager to use it up this could be just the pattern! It uses under 50g  so it's ideal for single skein use up, or quick presents that look impressive but are super simple! 

Then yet another Stokholm scarf. I have made a few of these, they are simple, gorgeous and fun to make.  If you want to make one don't be daunted by it. There is one tricky stitch, but there is so much guidance on Ravelry that helped me get my head around it, so if you're stuck just ask me! I'm more than happy to help! 
 This one is for me. I love teal, its' my go to colour at the moment. My first one I used 200g of DK yarn, and this time I'm going to use 300g to make it plush and thick and warm. I'm using a needle size down from the one reccommended in the pattern to create a slightly firmer fabric. I did that with my first one as well. 

This is where I live. Not here exactly, but on the border of Mississauga and Toronto. One day, I want to live right downtown again. I love it down there. 

And this is my wee kitty Molly. She's tiny but she's the oldest cat in the house at a mature 7 years. She took to sniffing in my project bag for quite a while, but isn't much a playful cat so she wasn't too bothered with the contents. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Work all day.... oh wait....

So. I am now a resident of Canada.  I am also unemployed and sitting in a pub on a weekday. Why must people work, this is much more fun right? Oh ya, that whole "money" thing. Must make money to buy more yarn. Oh yes, perhaps I should get a job. 

I have been very behind in my updating you of my life. I can tell myself this is okay as I don’t assume anyone actually reads this. Some people just mosey on over from Ravelry for some free patterns and such. Ah well!  My internet at home is pretty crappy at the moment and between fighting with that to apply for jobs and navigating my way around our four cats I just haven't found the time! 

I have been quite lax on the knitting side of things. I ordered some yarn online and got black instead of dark grey so I need to wait until I get a job to fix that mistake. I’ll make something out of the black sometime soon though. Maybe for one of the gents in my life. I am making an effort at finishing my Maxfield cardigan, which I still cannot decide on how to do the front panels so I'm just plugging away at the body at the moment. 

I have been spending time on my resume, sending it off places in hopes of getting something, somewhere. Let’s hope that works out for me.  I had a meeting with an agency today and the woman was really nice. I talked myself out of the job I’d actually applied for but she seemed really positive about everything else. Plus, I talked myself out of that job by being honest and saying I wasn't crazy about working in finance again so I guess it’s better this way.

I sent in one application for volunteer work. I’m hoping that comes through fairly soon. It sounds like something I’d really enjoy.  Teaching knitting! But I have to wait for an opening in the schedule they have and then apply specifically for that time. Wish me luck on that and on a “real job”. Also if your work is in Toronto and hiring someone relatively sales/customer supporty.... haha