I have not posted in a month! Alas, I have been busy, and not just with knitting this time! I have interviewed and succeeded in securing a new job at my company which has made me quite chuffed! (Learning British English is an ongoing process....) I also have looked at flats and settled on one with my boyfriend! Very very exciting! I start my new job on the same day I move, which isn't ideal but you do what you can with what you're given.
All this and I've also found time to celebrate New Years in Toronto (the last day I wrote) with some of my favourite people, knit another pair of hearty mittens which have already been gifted, knit some fingerless manly things for the bf which are not the same size at all despite my re-knitting attempts. I will give it one last go before I tear them apart and turn them into a hat! He does have quite the baldy head, and being English he hasn't quite learned the whole "dressing for the weather" thing Canadians learn very young. Im trying to train him and giving him the necessary tools will help for sure. I have also copied a tapestry-esque damask pattern from someone else's finished project and started my own pillow, started a third pair of hearty mittens (what, i like them!) and am just about done a baby cardigan! The cardigan is one of those things even I am amazed I have done. I take it places and am trying to finish it asap for a friend (who hopefully does not read my blog!) whose baby shower is Feb 20th - I have 20 days! EEEK! Im close to finishing but INCASE she does read this I wont put any pictures up...
I can share the pillow, mittens and such in the meantime!