Tuesday, 28 February 2012

New Toys

I just bought an item on ebay.... some Symphonie interchangeable needles! I can't wait until they arrive!!!

I hope mine are really pretty like the ones in this picture!

Imagine all the things I can knit once they arrive???? 

Monday, 27 February 2012


I took a break from knitting over the weekend. I don't think I've actually knit since our Knit Group on Tuesday, where we did spend more time eating pancakes and fruit than we did knitting!

The problem with this is that I have nothing to show for it. Sure, I've been out and about, and read 3.5 books but that's all in my head and so I feel like I have nothing to show!

I think that's the best part about knitting. Sure, its fun to mix colours and make presents that someone really loves, and there's that surge of pride when others compliment your work, but really it's that there is something concrete to show for your time. You aren't just sitting and watching TV, you've been BUSY! There must be something every human needs, to show fruits of your efforts from years of foraging, building, hunting, cooking, to the lives we have now. Even when I finish work I shut down my computer and I haven't felt like I've created anything. The screen goes black and my work disappears.  Enter knitting and I've become a happy bunny!

What makes you happiest about knitting?

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Weekend Knitting

Continuing with my "Selfish Knits" I am working on a cowl for me, in grey cashmere merino. Its going to be one of the Stockholm Scarves as pictured beside. Isn't the designer pretty? I love the colour of hers as well, but I already own the grey so I thought why not!

I am in LOVE with it! Its easy to knit, but with so many stitches if you make it maybe use a post it note or a little sticky tab thing to mark which row you are on! Then you can happily put it down and not have to try to figure out what you were just doing!

I'm loving my new stitch markers that I blogged before about, from Spindle Cat Studio, and want to use more, but for this project you really only need one! Today I went to the post office to collect a parcel which was these stitch markers from Scary Merry ! Now I think I am tempted to put stitch markers in my knitting where they aren't even needed!

My family have a slight obsession with owls, and I am no exception. I got to pet a few in my life (human raised ones, wild owls aren't so friendly!) and my friend works at Bird World here in England so he let me pet the barn owl and then let me feed the penguins and then we pet one that was molting! Anyway, I digress! 

I'd love to see what sort of selfish knitting you're up to! (Or Gifts too, those are alright sometimes! hehe)

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Quit my job and knit all day

I really should marry rich. My current boyfriend agrees with me as well. He wishes he could marry rich. Shame we've fallen for each other. He dreams of opening a coffee cafe, with sandwiches and soups and coffee late while pubs are open to give an option for those who want to socialise somewhere a bit different.

I want to run a knitting shop, offering lessons and such a variety of yarns it would make your mind boggle. Or just stay home and knit all day while a maid cleans the house and I laze about watching movies (I dont really like daytime tv) and knitting, knitting, knitting.

Back to reality I have done some selfish and some non-selfish knittings and finished many'o'projects. It is funny that the two for me are the same colour. I had started the fingerless (as previous blog) and then got the yarn for the full mittens for Christmas.

Bella's Mittens - Pattern free on Ravelry. The yarn used is Rowan Cocoon in Seascape. Its a wonderful colour and does make you think of the deep dark sea. The pattern is quite fitted on the hand so I used a slightly bigger needle. If you want more info you can find me on ravelry under Sheenaknitsuk. :) 

Autumnal Mittens for the boss - Pattern also free on Ravelry. She received a pair for Christmas, and now has asked for this colour and a dark brown, but I haven't been able to find a nice dark brown at this time of year in a yarn that I like... I'll keep looking. She might get them next year instead!

Autumnal Mittens in Alpaca, for me. These mittens in this yarn is irresistible. Get any baby alpaca yarn, DK, in the colour of your choice and go on Ravelry, get this pattern and knit away. Seriously. If you do anything in 2012 knitting related it should be this. Easy, fast and soooooo scrummy. These were meant to go into my Etsy shop and I love them too much to bear to part with them. That's how wonderful they are. 

I got this yarn for 5 pounds and it's the King Cole Alpaca one. If you're in the UK you can buy this yarn from Modern Knitting online. I use them a lot as they seem to be cheaper than other online shops and have a good selection.

PB Whoopie Pies

What is a whoopie pie? That was my question reading the Hummingbird Bakery's Cake Days cook book. The pies I get, the cakes, the cupcakes, but something that takes a whole jar of marshmallow fluff? Really?
Until you try them! I made the Peanut Butter Chocolate ones and they were great! A bit denser than a cupcake, and a bit drier than a brownier (perhaps because I made them smaller than they tell you to but only cooked them one or two mins less!). I added two table spoons of smooth peanut butter to the book's recipe for the icing/marshmallow filling and it was amazing!!!