Wednesday 18 April 2012

Back to selfishness... but only part-time

I have been trying to get back to my selfish knitting and with a looming deadline for my friends' shawl I really haven't had much time for it! 

I have set a schedule, at least two pattern rows of the shawl everyday! And luckily the shawl pattern has been getting easier. The start and the neck part are really tedious and difficult, but thanks to those trusty lifelines and persistence I have made it onto the "real pattern" which is so much easier and I'm getting it done a lot faster! I won't post pictures of that until I've given it to the bride to be, as she might want to unveil it at her wedding and I don't want to ruin anything on her day. Definately not the bridezilla type, but you never want to upset anyone when you can prevent it.  

Of course, I can share my selfish knit! Here is my progress on my Aidez cardigan... 

Its slow going, but I'm getting there and I don't know of any mistakes yet! 

At first the pattern on this was very daunting, and I had tried to get my knit group to do this as a KnitALong and then went "no, no, no" and they all sighed. 

Now I think I was wrong. They can all do this! I will try to sell it to them at our next Knit Night! 

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