Monday 30 April 2012

Things are looking up

So, from my last post you might have slightly gathered my frustrations!  For the shawl I had been doing 5 rows. Then back tracking 7. Doing 9; backtracking 6.... but today and yesterday it was just going! Luckily I remembered to put some lifelines in! What a life saver they are. 

Eventually I did drop a stitch which is why I gave up for the day, but I managed to almost complete a whole page repeat which is LOVELY and very SATISFYING! So tomorrow I'll be ripping out to my lovely life line, removing that gaping hole (ick) and going forward yet again! 

I can see the end in sight! 

I actually went to a home hardware store today, B&Q here in England, and didn't have any luck in finding any sort of supplies I could use to make a wire blocking kit. It looks like I will have to buy one! Was going to try to use twine, but I think the trial and error at this stage just isn't something I want to attempt! 

I feel bad posting and not including a picture I find the whole joy of blogs are people's pictures so here is my "while tv is on" project at the moment. For when my hands still want to knit but my eyes want a break from that bloody lace! It's also helping me get over my yellow and grey momentary obsession. I still like it, but have started thinking in other colours as well. ha ha

I'd get you to guess what it is, but with the hot water bottle so clearly visible its not a surprise is it!

And the completed project! Hurrah! 

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