Monday, 30 April 2012

Things are looking up

So, from my last post you might have slightly gathered my frustrations!  For the shawl I had been doing 5 rows. Then back tracking 7. Doing 9; backtracking 6.... but today and yesterday it was just going! Luckily I remembered to put some lifelines in! What a life saver they are. 

Eventually I did drop a stitch which is why I gave up for the day, but I managed to almost complete a whole page repeat which is LOVELY and very SATISFYING! So tomorrow I'll be ripping out to my lovely life line, removing that gaping hole (ick) and going forward yet again! 

I can see the end in sight! 

I actually went to a home hardware store today, B&Q here in England, and didn't have any luck in finding any sort of supplies I could use to make a wire blocking kit. It looks like I will have to buy one! Was going to try to use twine, but I think the trial and error at this stage just isn't something I want to attempt! 

I feel bad posting and not including a picture I find the whole joy of blogs are people's pictures so here is my "while tv is on" project at the moment. For when my hands still want to knit but my eyes want a break from that bloody lace! It's also helping me get over my yellow and grey momentary obsession. I still like it, but have started thinking in other colours as well. ha ha

I'd get you to guess what it is, but with the hot water bottle so clearly visible its not a surprise is it!

And the completed project! Hurrah! 

Friday, 27 April 2012


Good ideas come in all forms. When a friend says "Hey, can you make that for me?" and its' something new, something different, something that lets you knit in pure silk...what else are you to say but yes?

Only don't say yes. Say no. Just do it. Your life will be better.

I get knitters guilt when I try to do any other project, and this one stares at me. "Do me." It taunts. And I try. And usually end up knitting 4 rows, going back six, knitting two more. Putting it down. Same place I was before I touched it...

Why do I touch it? Why?

Because it's silk, pretty, and I WANT TO FINISH THIS! I feel like a teenage boy with a video game. I must conquer it. Then pass it onto someone else to be forgotten.

Just say no.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Yellow And Grey

Have you been on Pinterest?

I am in love with yellow. And grey. Paired. I need to do something about this!

I have the yarn, several shades as well, so I have been swatching and trying to figure out what to do! I SHOULD have saved these swatches and actually shown you, but I got all excited, wanted to save the yarn and pulled it all out before taking a picture!

What I did do was photograph the poor result! It was done with yarn that was JUST frogged so it was all curly and does look horrible.... but it gives the idea of the colours!

As a change of topic.... 

Did I tell you I went to the Cotswolds with the boy and we attended the evening part of a good friend's wedding and then just travelled around in our little car? (his car, not mine)

Here's a picture of me, in my amazing Stockholm Scarf just to show not all my photos are horrible, and not all my knits look this uneven and scrappy! 

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Back to selfishness... but only part-time

I have been trying to get back to my selfish knitting and with a looming deadline for my friends' shawl I really haven't had much time for it! 

I have set a schedule, at least two pattern rows of the shawl everyday! And luckily the shawl pattern has been getting easier. The start and the neck part are really tedious and difficult, but thanks to those trusty lifelines and persistence I have made it onto the "real pattern" which is so much easier and I'm getting it done a lot faster! I won't post pictures of that until I've given it to the bride to be, as she might want to unveil it at her wedding and I don't want to ruin anything on her day. Definately not the bridezilla type, but you never want to upset anyone when you can prevent it.  

Of course, I can share my selfish knit! Here is my progress on my Aidez cardigan... 

Its slow going, but I'm getting there and I don't know of any mistakes yet! 

At first the pattern on this was very daunting, and I had tried to get my knit group to do this as a KnitALong and then went "no, no, no" and they all sighed. 

Now I think I was wrong. They can all do this! I will try to sell it to them at our next Knit Night! 

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Can YOU save the planet?

I'm quite a tree hugger. My first office boss, on my crusade to save money and trees, was like "Sheena, you're quite the tree hugger." And I replied "Yes, you could learn a thing or two." Okay, I didn't actually say it that way. But I did just go "Yes, it's the way everyone should be."

And I think that. I kinda die inside when things print wrong and I have to throw the paper away, and by that I mean recycle. 

I have one of those small bathroom bins in my kitchen, and that's the only bin in the house. Everything else goes in recycling or food waste, and I've mostly converted my boyfriend. I'm not sure if this is a Canadian thing, or just my family but I have heard people comment that my brother is a keen recycler as well. 

That brings me to my point in this post. I notice so much of what we use and then discard. And it's things we buy to throw away. Like makeup remover wipes,  paper towel/kitchen roll, tissues... I only really use kitchen paper roll when I'm draining bacon grease. And  I have actually started using handkerchiefs. Cath Kidston sells really cute ones, and I didn't know anywhere did anymore! Even when I was a kid we didn't have them so I have started a collection. I have about 6 now, and with allergy season in full force I am saving a ton of trees! They have a few new designs I want, so I'm sure I'll find a need to buy some more but since I'm replacing disposable tissues with these lovely ones I can justify it! (Also, I wait until they go on sale!)

Then there's this thing I cannot get on board for: Swiffer, but luckily it hasn't come to the UK. What a waste! But then I saw this pattern on Pinterest and thought I should share it with you lucky people.

And with my current knitting project, it's not going well. I am not a fan of lace projects it seems! But I'm plugging on with it so wish me luck!!!  

Friday, 6 April 2012

Little Rays of Sunshine

The sun is finally out! And I'm inside. Knitting with that super fine gold yarn. Its a bit of a nightmare, but I would rather do it on a day that I have good lighting! My little basement flat isn't prone to sharing daylight with me, so I take what I can get!

I have had to look a few things up knittingwise lately, to learn new techniques. Now, I'm a fairly self taught knitter. I had someone show me the knit stitch, and then together we kinda figure out casting on, casting off, colour work, joining in the round, ribbing, etc. I clearly didn't make this stuff up and just figure it out, but I didn't know another knitter close by to teach me.

My first real project was Bird and Vine Mittens. First. With circular, thumbs, ribbing, colourwork. And they are so full of mistakes, but I love them. See the bottom ribbing? And they still aren't cast off properly at the top, as I wanted a stretchy bind off and the one I think I sort of made up just isn't right.

What I did have was Lesley Stanfield's Encyclopedia of Knitting Techniques, (I think she has a brand new one out now as well) with great pictures and great diagrams.

And I had the power of Google/You Tube. There are so many videos on there to show you just about everything to do with knitting. I personally love teaching people how to do things, but sometimes you're in the middle of something and don't know anyone who could help (hello to you 2am knitters!). And some of the accents of the teachers are very deep south USA so its' funny to think that people are doing this worldwide and helping each other!

Today I learned crochet cast on (which I didn't like for my current project and have found ways around actually having to use it) and the other day it was one of the cabling directions in my Aidez cardigan that I looked at and just went Huh?! Enter youtube and problem solved!

Just don't be afraid to try new things! You might be a cable genius or become addicted to colour work the way I did, but unless you try you just won't know! And if you need help, just ask me. If I know I will help you.

Thursday, 5 April 2012


I agreed to knit a shawl for my friends wedding. This I think is going to be a massive feat! I had the yarn she chose arrive yesterday and it is 100% silk in what they call Old Gold, which is a lovely soft gold colour. Its The Natural Dye Studio's Precious. Its amazing. I just want to pet it, and perhaps bury my face into it.... a bit ridiculous I know, but it just feels amazing!

The pattern is the Covington Shawl by Mary R White. I purchased the pattern yesterday and printed it off today, with hopes that the Easter weekend will give me a chance to cast on! This is lace weight yarn, and will be knit on 5mm needles and I have never done a lace project in this scale before, but maybe those little Autumnal mittens I did before will have given me all the skills I need??? One can hope! I have until May 25th to get this baby finished, and blocked so I have to get moving!

There is some sort of crochet cast on needed, which I also have never done. At least I gave crochet a shot a few months ago, and managed to make one roughly square shape, so perhaps this will be okay?